About Us
Our history, DiLT team and partners.
We transfer basic research combined with cutting-edge technology into new and highly innovative solutions for intelligent buildings and energy systems.
DiLT is short for Domain-Informed Analytics. At its core, DiLT relies on the concept of Trustworthy AI combined with deep domain knowledge. Our toolbox includes Physics-Informed Machine Learning, Edge AI, Probabilistic Machine Learning and Explainable AI.

Our history
DiLT Analytics was founded by the end of 2021 as a spin-off of the Institute of Software Technology at Graz University of Technology (TUG) from the "Intelligent Systems" research group. As part of several research projects and in cooperation with several research institutes of TUG, the technology-independent IoT data platform "Inframonitor" was developed for one campus area Innovation District Inffeldgasse. It integrates various data streams, enables efficient storage and allows communication between buildings, various systems and people in real time.
Since then, the analysis services and the IoT data platform have been continuously developed and improved. In close cooperation with numerous important stakeholders from research and industry, we are now involved in 15+ highly innovative research projects.
Technology Board
The expert team at DiLT Analytics forms the leadership level and brings extensive technological expertise into the company structure. We are practice-oriented and close to people, buildings, science, even before our founding.
15+ years of building and energytechnology
30+ years of AI research and software engineering know how

DiLT Team
Friendliness & Cooperation
What holds us
together as a team?
Lifelong Learning
DiLT has numerous partnerships from the industry, the funding sector and
- thanks to the two founders Gerald Schweiger and Franz Wotawa -
strong roots in science.
Both founders continue to support the Technology Board and research projects at DiLT.


TechOps Team
The DiLT specialists make a significant contribution to the success of the entire team through their technical expertise, passion, and close collaboration.
We have also been able to supervise 2 #FEMTech interns and several final theses so far.

Stella Lukasser
BSc, ongoing MSc
Data & AI Specialist